Sunday, April 09, 2006

Denver Dallas

I just got to my hotel in Boulder and I am tired. I was amazing that I didn't have a desire to drink on the plane because everyone around me was drinking beer and mixed drinks. I use to order 3 to 4 everytime the flight attendant would ask do you want a drink. I basically got sick of waiting for them to get back for the next round. This guy across from me ordered 3 beers at on time. I just started laughing because that was me. I will save a seat for him. Once at the hotel I did have a slight desire to have just one, A gin and tonic double. But as I have learned from the past it will not end at just one. So I walked past the sports bar and up room. I will go to bed today having been sober.


dAAve said...

That's great. And you're reading this without a hangover.

Gooey Munster said...

Have you ever seen a non-alcoholic order a drink on a plane? It is jsut as funny.

They stir it, nurture it, sip it and actually participate in conversation. It's like "COMMON ALREADY, DRINK UP!"

I am glad to hear you trudging past the drink.

Trudging said...

Good job! Flying can be a big triger.

JJ said...

Stay strong bro!
I see you,