Monday, November 16, 2009


Wow I have been busting ass on my new company and hitting meetings and a bible study class. I am doing the things I don't want to do, it helps keep me sober.

I have seen a lot of people die in 5 1/2 years and that is what the reality is for me if I decide to have a drink. I need to blog more because it helps me keep it real.


Syd said...

Glad to see you back Lance. Take care and best wishes with the new company. It sounds as if you are doing good things.

Patrick said...

nice to hear form you, Lash, and glad you're doing the things you need to to stay sober.

Scott M. Frey said...

good to read you again, my friend!

Devestment said...

The thing I ask myself is would the people have lived if they had not found AA? Sometimes I think the programming kills people. Drinking under the influence of sayings, platitudes, rhymes, musts, prayer, meditation, guilt, and the belief that you are different from your fellows can be dangerous. AA interferes with peoples lives; AA teaching changes their perspective and thought process through mind control, the love bomb (love you till you love yourself), and other cult characteristics. Those that don't agree are shunned by the group as the fully indoctrinated shouts “outside issue”. I refuse to tell myself that if I drink I will die. This is a dangerous programming. That which I believe becomes my reality. It benefits me to hang around sober people at meetings. It can kill me to believe all that I hear.

Unknown said...

While I have yet to see anyone die in the rooms, I know it is bound to happen. The universe balances things in a way we can't predict.

Drug rehab clinics are a good start. AA takes it from there.