Monday, February 06, 2006

Alcoholism is Alive and Well

Alcoholism is a main incredient in the game of golf. Most people suck at it and playing bad golf is a great way to drink and forget. I use to play golf fucked up and I always swore acholol had a major part in my game. I never kept the score cards and even if I did the scores would be lies. Well I'm thinking about playing again and the fears are that I will play worse now being sober. Another one is can I with stand the uges not to drink a nice cold ice beer after 9 holes. Of course I could just only drink one.


Trudging said...

Of course not

Sam said...

And, of course, that was pure sarcasm and you know the truth...

Mary Christine said...

Just one. Keg. or two. what the hell, why not just keep on going. Golf? Who the hell cares about golf?

Shannon said...

well I would hope the hell not... LOL besides, you've got sobriety now :)Golf isnt that great anyways... ahahhah

madameplushbottom said...

bruaaahhhhhhhhh - that's my evil laugh. Yer funny!

Anonymous said...

My brother told me not to play golf. He said my clubs would end up in the lake before I finished one round. I'm not patient with failure. I need to do things right. I've heard golf is humbling as hell. One round you think you're Tiger Woods, the next you wonder if you ever hit the thing at all.

I'll stick to true talent games like Trouble and Pick up Sticks.
