Saturday, August 11, 2007


If I drink again it would be fatal. My relationships I have now sober with my family would be over. The chances of being in my boys life will be gone. I may not die quickly, but without them my life would be gone.

Well we have just 2 soccer games today. The football games don't start till the end of august. Our anniversary is coming up next week and it will be 16 years. We are on rocky roads but we need to stay strong. We are seeing a marriage counselor next week. More work with hopefully new tools.


Mary Christine said...

Sixteen years is a long time for an alcoholic to be married! Congratulations.

Clare said...

Sixteen years is a long time full stop these days. Congrats on your anniversary Lash.

Mama Dukes said...

much luck with the counseling--when we went to marriage counseling we never mentioned his drinking. Wish we had.

Anonymous said...

I think that is GREAT and so courageous of you to see a counselor. Someone who is not emitionally attached and non biased can help you communicate and go forward. Good for the both of you, right on!!!!