Thursday, August 02, 2007

hot as hell

I am in phoenix meeting clients with my rep. The weather sucks because it's 105 and humid. I feel like I am going to turn into sand and blow across the desert. I can't stand coming here in the summer, if hell is on earth it's in phoenix.

The company I went on the job interview with wants to hire me. Shit I don't know what to do now. So, either I take the new job or stay with the current job..yikes


dAAve said...

Numerous times I've been warned to be careful about what I pray.

Scott M. Frey said...

I am going through the process of should I/shouldn't I, myself. In fact, I am awaiting a job offer that will come any day now. I am going to take it. It wil mean closing down my small operation and going to work back in the cubicle filled world of the giant corporation but it's a better situation for me and my family.

Good luck making your decision... Isn't Phoenix great?? lol Sadly, humidity has begun to find it's way out there with the population explosion...

Mama Dukes said...

God's got you at a crossroad

keep praying, He'll tell ya

Pammie said...

ahhhh scorching hot and humid..home sweet home ;)

butterflygirl said...

you'll know if it is the right job

Mary Christine said...

Isn't it wonderful to have choices... and then it is terrible to have to make choices. Prayer is the only answer.

Alcoholic Brain said...

Agreed. Pray. I don't do hot weather well either. Whatever you do, just don't drink, no matter what...

Meg Moran said... your gut? I've heard they have some great recovery there. Maybe you should check out some meetings ans see what the people are like. (Just a thought)