Friday, April 07, 2006


I just felt like eating by myself tonight. Everyone was talking and a quiet dinner wasn't happening. When I was a kid we never spoke at the dinner table. We simply just were not allowed. Now it seems like it is a race to get done, so my kids can go back to what they were doing playing computer games, playstation, game cube, x box, tv or reading a book. I didn't care if they were hanging up side down from the ceiling when I was drinking. The problem is I had no rules when I was drinking only threats. Since I am sober now, I thought I could just start fresh with new rules or my laws. It didn't work just like only drinking a couple beers. I need to take things slow and gain back the trust and respect from my kids and wife.


Trudging said...

You can't go by me, we store stuff on our dinning room and kitchen tables, we hardly ever eat there. I have watched the Simpsons with my son at dinner since he was a tiny baby.

Anyhow, maybe your wife and you should get your heads together on this one and present an united front. Otherwise the kids will know you are talking out of your hat.

JJ said...

When I was living with my Mom & Dad you HAD to be home for dinner. My father insisted on all his children be around the table for dinner. Though sometimes it was a pain in the ass it was also nice. Today.....with three teenage daughters we are lucky if we sit around the dinner table once a week. Damn!
I see you,
PS: It is nice you and your wife can go out.

Gooey Munster said...

Allowing the process of trust to take place is key. It would be great if we could just put a band aid over the wounds we created. That band aid is not permanent though, only a superfiacial fix. The wounds need nurturing and time to heal.