Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Weight

Sometimes the weight of life gets fuckin heavy. I am going fuckin crazy with three boys, I truly believe I am going in sane. Self will, sorry no time for that I being pulled in four different directions. Some times they are good little boys and with in seconds they turn in to demons. My wife is has more patience than me. She goes to the gym and her martial arts class (black belt). I need to find some outlet, because I feel unbalanced in life. Maybe I will get back to surfing and playing golf. I feel like my program is fairly strong, but I am missing time for myself. I have always felt guilty to have my time, because most of my life has been my time. However to truly be balanced you need that personal time.

1 comment:

dAAve said...

I gotta have time for me.
If I don't, I won't have time for anybody else because I'll be dead.