Friday, December 30, 2005

Holiday Hate

I am stuck up here with people drinking rum and wine and I am the only sober one. There are a 15 adults and 12 children. I feel alone to night more than I have ever felt even though I talked to a couple guys in my home group. They made me feel good however I feel far away. Being comfortable is very important to me now in my life more than ever. It might be that I have only a year and a half. I am scared to pick up the big book and read it, because people are wandering around in and out of rooms. I just don't want to get into a conversation about my recovery with a drunk person. So here I sit up with the kids watching Scrooge Sesame Street style and blogging. I thank god for allthe ways he has guided me to stay sober tonight.


Mary Christine said...

Is there any way you can get to a meeting? Please take care of yourself. ONLY (?) a year and a half is a MIRACLE.

JJ said...

Stay stronge brother!
Happy 2006!