Tuesday, December 13, 2005

What is success?

Our assumptions and beliefs drive our behavior.  What we believe we can achieve, we achieve.  Yet, when we believe we are not good enough to achieve something, we don't.  Fear is the only thing that holds people back from achieving personal success.  Success lies in being who you are, not in what you fear you should be.  What you think happens to you.
Everyone strives for success in one form or another.  People need to achieve worthwhile goals to feel satisfied with their lives, but everyone's goals vary.  We all need to become the kind of person we individually aspire to be.  Only you know what's important in achieving your vision of success.  However, we all seek shared outcomes, like happiness, self-awareness and expression, achievement and satisfying interpersonal relationships, to provide a foundation for where we want to be.

Why the post? I am back to reading my Dale Carnegie.    


Unknown said...

I read Dale a while back. Good stuff.
Another side note: I can't vote but pay US taxes. Taxation without representation. 4 million of us in Puerto Rico are screwed. Beside the point though. The book says we must stop fighting everything and everyone.

When I stopped fighting my peace and serenity increased exponetially. Personally that is what I was looking for all my life, peace and serenity.

Trudging said...

I like Dale. I am reading his book worry right now. Actually I have been reading it on and off for 6 months.

dAAve said...

good on ya