Thursday, December 29, 2005


We went to my wifes step brothers house, so that we could see their new house. Her father and his wife came with us. The other step brother came over as well. They were all drinking wine and the two step brothers would go a back room and drink. I went out side for a smoke and saw bother of them sucking down beers. I felt offended that they were drinking behind my back. The hole hiding the drinking thing was very familar to me.That's what I did when I didn't want people to drink my alcohol stash or I didn't want someone counting the number of drinks Iwas having. I told the brothers not to hide from me, and to drink in front of me.I sometimes feel like I am some kind of freak side show act. Every seems to be watching me as if I was going to sneak off and drink. Its like I had gone to jail for a crime I didn't commit, but everyone thinks I did the crime.

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