Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Where Was my God

I don't know why but I have been thinking about where god was while I was drinking. I have been trying to remember if I had ever saw signs or something I just ignored. Why couldn't he have just dropped some sign directly on my head. The more I reflect back the longer I have realized I have been out there with little or no memory of my life's events. It seems that some gaps aren't days or months but years. So much to looking back in the past. Today all I know is through his grace I shall be healed of my short comings.


dAAve said...

For me, the fact that I'm still alive is proof enough that He was always there. I put myself in any number of potential near-death situations that I would never do as a sober man.
God (as I understand Him) allows me the freedom to make every possible mistake, including killing myself. But He is there, always waiting for me to acknowledge His presence and ask for help and guidance.

Trudging said...

As HP said, the fact that you are still alive, still have your job, still have your wife and still have your boys is proof that he was there. If you are anything like me it takes a piano droping on your head to make any changes.

Anonymous said...

I used to think the same thing while I was still drinking. I used to beg for a sign over and over. What I realized in hindsight was that all the signs were always there...everywhere. I just had to open my eyes and look around.
