Monday, December 19, 2005

What am I?

The Heart TriadWho react to life primarily in an emotional way These are often referred to as: Type 2, The Helper who reaches out to others Type 3, The Motivator who is primarily interest in accomplishments Type 4,The Individualist who moves others with his creativity The Thinking Triad Who react to life in an analytical way These are often referred to as: Type 5, The Investigator, who researches everything in life Type 6, The Loyalist, who is generally skeptical Type 7, The Enthusiast, who reaches out for life The Instinctive TriadWho react to life viscerally These three Types are often referred to as: Type 8, The Leader, who likes to be in charge Type 9, The Peacemaker, who is disturbed by turmoil Type 1, The Reformer, who is into right and wrong

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