Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I just don't know if I am immature or just fucking like to laugh. But I find humor in a lot of aspects in my life. I guess you could say, It helps me make it through the day. I do have to say I probably lead the most eventful life of anyone I know. I have more bizarre shit happen to me each day. My wife thinks that one day I should or someone else should write a book about my life. She is working on a romance Novel, how ironic maybe I should check her cell calls on the phone bill. I told her I am not expecting to be in her book.

Speaking of romance my brother’s wife was having an affair after only three years of marriage. This event lasted for 4 weeks right under his nose. He called and told me tonight and what a shock it was, because they we just out visiting.  He is at home by himself and I heard his glass fill with ice. I am just not sure if he has a drinking problem yet, but he is definitely an alcoholic.    


JJ said...

Ouchie for your brother...shame on your sister-out-law.
I see you,
PS: I beleive laughter is the best medicine

dAAve said...

Hang in there.
I threw out most of the drama in my life when I put the bottle(s) down.

Sam said...

"I am just not sure if he has a drinking problem yet, but he is definitely an alcoholic."

Interesting... This made me think, "I was an alcoholic all along, but I didn't have a drinking problem until the last few years of my drinking career."

Thank you for another insight.